Sophie’s Net Neutrality Blog Post

What is Net Neutrality? 

Net Neutrality essentially prevents IPS’s from denying users access to non-harmful sites, slowing down websites or apps, making sure that ISP’s aren’t causing traffic, making sure there is transparency, and making sure the rules are followed out.

The History of Net Neutrality:


Volleyball was played in Japan

Why is it important to us?

Because of Net Neutrality we have the ability to access the internet freely and can use websites that aren’t harmful to our pleasure and ability. Without it we are left with people who will regulate what we want and need on the internet and we will lose our ability to feel free again.


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Gaming in Net Neutrality

The impact on gaming is not going to be immediate, but it’s likely that if net neutrality is taken away then it will eventually affect how you use the internet to play games or even interact with those in the PC gaming community.


It is important to maintain an Open Internet firstly because without the internet companies all the way from Amazon to local start-up’s launching a new app, rely on the open internet to build their businesses and would suffer without it. Secondly and most importantly, our whole world functions off of the internet (how we work, learn, interact, play and even save lives).



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